Sunday, June 21, 2009


for some reason my pictures did not come through so here they are!!b

Father'S DaY and More SeWInG

here is what i did for my dad for father's day. Ben helped me paint the frame! Cathy down at the Playground gave me the cute pizza box idea and that is where the fancy pants paper is from also. The other 2 are cards i HAD to do so i could you my sewing machine some more. i LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!!!! and i LOVE fancy pants...

Monday, June 8, 2009


I am soo excited. for those of you who know me, you know i DO NOT SEW. i have no idea how to even thread the little janome sewing machine for crafting that i have. so when i did sew on my other pages, i had to have someone thread the machine and start the sewing for me. yes, i know i am pathetic. But now, i have an amazing sewing machine, a Janome DC2010, and i can actually use it!!!! for the extremely slow and anal person that i am, this machine is perfect, it has speed control! and to top it off i even got the cricut expression yesterday too. so now with all of the fun new creating things that i got yesterday, i HAD to do something. this is my first project with both of them and i LOVED how it turned out. i used fancy pants all fall 8x8 paper pack, prima flowers, and buttons, all from the scrap playground. the cricut cartridge i used was opposites attract and stock ribbon.