I am soo excited. for those of you who know me, you know i DO NOT SEW. i have no idea how to even thread the little janome sewing machine for crafting that i have. so when i did sew on my other pages, i had to have someone thread the machine and start the sewing for me. yes, i know i am pathetic. But now, i have an amazing sewing machine, a Janome DC2010, and i can actually use it!!!! for the extremely slow and anal person that i am, this machine is perfect, it has speed control! and to top it off i even got the cricut expression yesterday too. so now with all of the fun new creating things that i got yesterday, i HAD to do something. this is my first project with both of them and i LOVED how it turned out. i used fancy pants all fall 8x8 paper pack, prima flowers, and buttons, all from the scrap playground. the cricut cartridge i used was opposites attract and stock ribbon.